Sergio Cabrera López, director and physiotherapist, has a comprehensive training that he has been adopting to become as complete as possible and thus offer you a wide variety of services.
-Diploma in Physiotherapy from Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio. Madrid 2007.
-Master's in Sports Physiotherapy from Universidad Europea de Madrid-Real Madrid CF University Studies.
-Osteopathic Manual Physiotherapy
-Pilates Instructor
-Physiotherapy in Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)
-Mesotherapy for Physiotherapists
-Physiotherapy in Neurodynamic Mobilization. Neuromeningeal Exploration and Treatment of the Locomotor System
-Physiotherapy in Infant Colic
-Specialist in Neuromuscular and Exteroceptive Taping (Kinesiotaping)
-Dry Needling in Myofascial Pain Syndrome