Sports Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
Sports Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

The practice of sports at a professional level or simply for leisure means that your body is subjected to a physical demand that pushes it to the limit on certain occasions. This can lead to injuries that inevitably need to be treated by specialists. At Fisioterapia D2, we are experts in pain treatment, especially if it is caused by physical exercise. 

There are injuries that are more common than others: some are caused by a blow or a wrong move; and others simply appear due to the overload that certain muscles endure. Some of these can be: tendinitis, muscle tears, sprains, among many others. 

If your goal is to achieve an adequate muscle tone for high-level performance, physiotherapy is your perfect companion. In our center, in addition to performing treatments with hands, the main tool when practicing therapies, we have the latest in technology. 

Come visit us, we want to help you feel good!

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