1st Don't forget a small warm-up with broad mobility exercises, especially for the spine and shoulder girdle.
2nd It's not all about strength and suffering; in certain exercises, postural control is important.
3rd Stretching is essential; perform gentle stretches between sets, and dedicate some time at the end of each training session to relax the muscles and promote their recovery.
4th Control the eccentric phase (with gravity or braking the movement itself), especially in speed and strength movements.
5th Try to perform strength exercises when you are not fatigued. Training these exercises after an intense cardiovascular workout session is not recommended.
6th Visualize the muscles involved, pay attention to the positions of your body and where you feel the effect of the exercise. Be as focused as possible on your body awareness.
7th Maintain order in your training, structure your sessions with micro-cycles and seasons. Increase the difficulty progressively.