Protection measures and protocol.
May 6, 2020

CLÍNICA DE FISIOTERAPIA D2 reminds you of the measures we must adopt:

  • Patients must attend the clinic only with a prior appointment and must be equipped with MASKS and GLOVES.

Payment by card is preferable, thus justifying the session for third-party purposes.

  • The professional will provide hydroalcoholic gel for hands at the entrance to the premises. They will also be equipped with the protective equipment recommended by the College of Physiotherapists.

Likewise, after the patient's treatment, the stretcher and materials used will be disinfected.

Waiting inside the premises will not be allowed, you must attend your appointment alone and be punctual. If accompanied, they will have to wait outside the clinic.

We also remind you that access to the facilities will not be allowed except in cases of emergency.

We hope that with everyone's collaboration we can take care of each other and return to normality.

Thank you very much. Best regards,


    Protection measures and protocol.
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